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About the possible future of some problems of designing of steel constructions.

About the possible future of some problems of designing of steel constructions.

How designers in Russia still worked 10 years ago? As they say: «drawing board - the best friend to the designer». It is the motto of that, yes it is frequent also today's time. This tool was thought up in XIХ a century by Charles Kulman - the German engineer and the mathematician. Since then drawing board it was transformed beyond recognition, but and remained drawing board. In parallel designers create volume breadboard models of constructions in the reduced scale - for presentation.

About twenty years ago there was a computer technics which has allowed to apply CADs - at first receptions 2-D designing, later designers began to experiment with 3D - modelling. But the basic the information contains again in drawings.

Sometimes there is a sensation, that we from the Egyptian pyramids have gone in this question somehow "around", instead of is direct. That is, - at first I imagine the future construction in «space of my consciousness». Then I should divide this plan into separate parts. Then I should code separate parts of the information on the papyrus, on parchment, on a paper. Then, using these developed and filled with the information 2-D I should use for creation of the same construction which already was before at me in that «consciousness space», but not in all details.

There are objective reasons of such development of technology of designing in the world:

- We cannot keep millions trifles which are inherent in any serious project in the head and we display this information in 2-D.

- Even if there will be an engineer who will keep all trifles in a head - as he will transfer the knowledge entirely in other consciousness to the executor or other designer?

We have been doomed on 2-D a stage of development of designing.

But as all it is difficult! To learn to express the thoughts and calculations, observing certain rigid rules of their expression on a paper to co-ordinate all pieces of the information "expressed" on a paper, to learn the executor to understand (by the same rigid rules) - that you have expressed. And after all rules, that is norms and specifications in all countries the different. At first we code the information, and then other people should decode it, all of us should know set of languages of coding and decoding.

And can clean the most difficult part of our systems of coding which we created at development of technical progress and to communicate directly? I do not speak about telepathy.

If to choose a transitive variant?: 3-D creation of a virtual construction (its information model), it exists already now, and then we transfer this virtual construction, the supplied necessary information and convenient receptions of its perception at once to manufacturing, not using stages of display of the information on 2-D and captures of this information from 2-D?

More in detail it looks so: there is a mathematical model of space where exists virtual - physical properties of materials, a gravity, winds, snow loading, corrosion, earthquakes - everything, that the design in the real world can test. I understand capacities of computers now does not suffice for calculations. But a direction of thought the correct? To count in habitual understanding it is necessary of nothing. You gradually create and test volume model of a design on the computer, supply with its necessary information for manufacturing in shop, transfer volume model to the manufacturer ... and all.

Questions? All information is transferred in virtual 3-D a construction! Rotate it, touch different details, there will be everything, that is necessary for their manufacturing and connection with other details of a design.

If there will be a welded seam he is represented as he looks in a reality. It should not be coded symbols. Separate details, connections or model marks are supplied by audio-clips and (hyperlink) video-clips. They will show all information for manufacturing and assemblage. It is not necessary 2-D the image, all the sizes long and other explanatory information - in virtual 3-D a construction. The unnecessary information always can be switched off. The necessary information can be approached and looked in detail.

For what we created all symbols, norms, restrictions? The principal cause - «to play by the checked up rules». But still it is all was created not to condense the information in 2-D пространствe the paper documentation. Constant "derivation" to various symbols, norms, restrictions does not promote effective work, stirs concentration.

And if we collect the necessary information in a concrete point of space - there where the information should be at present?

Through difficult - to a lung.

If the designer has intuitively clear tools which allow to build virtually designs approximately in the same ways with what the designer built children's toys in the childhood, - he can create very difficult original designs, and he will construct them easily ... Besides, the American, German or Russian kid - all of them collect children's toys approximately equally. It means the tool will be "geographically universal.

The computerisation on the mission should simplify processes of creativity, training to creativity and integration.

At manufacturing of real designs the manufacturer can touch a virtual detail or to a virtual part of a design. He will receive that is necessary - the sizes, technical requirements, tabular data. He can hear and see the dynamic information on each its interesting site virtual 3-D constructions. These working methods will be clear even to the unprepared worker. All information or a part of the information necessary at present will accompany a detail or a part of a design from virtual 3-D constructions while the designer "addresses" to this site of the project. Especially this picture plausibly looks in the light of creation of the holographic monitor.

Today in the world of 10-15 companies create and improve own software. The basic idea of work of these programs: 3D-modelling, a direct connection with settlement packages, communication with the module of designing of the ferro-concrete, the automated reception of all documentation on a paper, and also information delivery on machine tools with programmed control. Founders try to make more convenient the special computer programs under various standards, technical requirements. They achieve, that their program understood languages of coding of the information of a considerable quantity of the countries. It is not assured, that it is the correct approach.

Now the area for improvement of the review of a design allows not to save technology. Monitors with a diagonal of 23 inches and more, compound monitors, the high permission, capacities of computers providing this permission is not exotic! Simply create model as the Lord created the person. Most likely, he did not have drawings in this respect. But I assume the God had information model. Why to us not to follow the example it?

On March, 17th, 2008

Yours faithfully Sadchikov J.A.